A Federal election has been called for Monday, April 28, 2025. For information on how to vote, where to vote, and who is running, visit Elections Canada.

Campaign contribution rebate program

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Certain contributions to election campaigns for Mayor or Ward 5 Councillor candidates may be eligible for a rebate.

Read the Municipal Election Campaign Contribution Rebate Program By-law for more information on the rules and procedures that you must follow to receive a rebate.

Program information for candidates

To enrol into the rebate program, you must:

  • Apply to participate in the rebate program by submitting a completed Rebate Program Participation Acknowledgement form
  • Comply with the contribution rules in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and rebate program
  • When you submit your Financial Statement you will also submit copies of the Contribution Rebate Request Forms for the eligible contributions that you have collected
  • Ensure the contributor’s information is logged into the candidate’s portal

Your contributors will not be eligible for a rebate if you do not enrol into the rebate program.

Program information for contributors

You are eligible for a rebate if:

  • The candidate you contribute to is enrolled in the campaign contribution rebate program
  • Your contribution is received during the candidate’s campaign period
  • You are eligible to vote in the 2024 By-election
  • Your contribution is monetary (goods and services will not be rebated)

You are not eligible for a rebate if:

  • You are a candidate in the election
  • You are the spouse or child of the candidate you contribute to
  • You are a corporation and any other person who is not permitted to make a contribution in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996

Contributor responsibilities

As a contributor you must:

  • Comply with the contribution rules in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and the rebate program
  • Fulfil the rebate program requirements
  • Provide all information required on the Contribution Rebate Request Form
  • Update the candidate if your personal information changes

Contribution Rebate Request Form

A paper or electronic copy of the Contribution Rebate Request Form will be provided to all candidates enrolled in the rebate program.

For manual submissions, candidates must:

  1. Complete the Financial Statement in the candidate information hub. Ensure every contributor is included in the list of contributors. If the contributor is not listed on the Financial Statement, the rebate will not be issued.
  2. Complete the Contribution Rebate Request Form for each contributor and make sure to include their information.
  3. Ensure the following parties have a copy of the completed Contribution Rebate Request Form:
    • Candidate
    • Contributor
    • Elections Office
  4. Submit all completed Contribution Rebate Request Forms and Financial Statement to elections.rebate@mississauga.ca or in person to the City of Mississauga’s Office of the City Clerk located on the second floor of 300 City Centre Drive.

For electronic submissions, candidates must:

  1. Complete the Financial Statement in the candidate information hub. Ensure every contributor is included in the list of contributors. If the contributor is not listed on the Financial Statement, the rebate will not be issued.
  2. Contribution Rebate Request Forms issued electronically will be automatically uploaded to the candidate information hub. They will not have to be submitted in hard copy.
  3. Submit the Financial Statement to election.office@mississauga.ca or in person to the City of Mississauga’s Office of the City Clerk located on the second floor of 300 City Centre Drive.

Rebate calculation

Rebates for the contributions made to a candidate shall be calculated as follows:

  • A minimum contribution of $100 made in the form specified by the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 is required to be eligible for a rebate.
  • The maximum rebate a contributor can receive is $1,500.
  • If the total contribution(s) made to all Candidates is $300 or less, the maximum rebate you are to be paid is 75% of that total.
  • If the total contribution(s) made to all Candidates is more than $300 but less than $1,000, the rebate to be paid is $225 plus 50% of the difference between $300 and the remainder of the contribution total.
  • If the total contribution(s) made to all Candidates is more than $1,000, the maximum rebate that will be paid to the contributor is the lesser of:
    • $575 plus 33.33% of the contribution amount that is over $1,000; or
    • $1,500
  • If you make multiple donations of less than $100, but the total contribution of the multiple donations is equal to or greater than $100, contributions are not eligible for a rebate.

Issuance of rebate

You will be issued a rebate only if you meet the eligibility requirements and follow the mandatory criteria to receive a rebate.

Rebates can’t be issued until the compliant audit period for financial statements has ended. The Elections Office will begin processing eligible rebates after this period ends.

The anticipated timeline is December 2024.